198 Glowing Google reviews, from our happy clients.
Average rating 4.8 stars!
NOW new and free of charge with every comprehensive service, brake and suspension job, front and rear wheel alignment check.
We check the wheel alignment of your tyres and wheels. When wheels are not in perfect alignment the friction between tyre and road increases tremendously chewing the top inner or out corners of the tyres.
As the engine has to work that much harder to force the car through this extra load in consumes a lot more fuel. More visits to the Servo.
Please scroll down to see what we do during the service
Most vehicles today use special lubrication oils, transmission fluids, super charger fluids, power steering fluids we have them all in stock. It is very important to use manufacturer's specified fluids!
VCDS -- Windows Based VAG/VAS Emulator Running on Windows 10 x64
VCDS Version: (x64) HEX-NET CB: 0.4508.4
Data version: 20190930 DS308.0
Dealer/Shop Name: Gil Auto Maintenance and Service
Chassis Type: AU-VW37 (5Q0)
Scan: 01 02 03 08 09 10 15 16 17 19 42 44 52 5F
VIN: WVWZZZAUZFP018113 Mileage: 34831km-21642miles
01-Engine -- Status: Malfunction 0010
02-Auto Trans -- Status: OK 0000
03-ABS Brakes -- Status: Malfunction 0010
08-Auto HVAC -- Status: OK 0000
09-Cent. Elect. -- Status: OK 0000
10-Park/Steer Assist -- Status: OK 0000
15-Airbags -- Status: OK 0000
16-Steering wheel -- Status: Malfunction 0010
17-Instruments -- Status: Malfunction 0010
19-CAN Gateway -- Status: Malfunction 0010
42-Door Elect, Driver -- Status: OK 0000
44-Steering Assist -- Status: OK 0000
52-Door Elect, Pass. -- Status: OK 0000
5F-Information Electr. -- Status: OK 0000
Address 01: Engine (J623-CHPA) Labels:. 04E-907-309-V1.clb
Part No SW: 04E 906 016 G HW: 04E 907 309 A
Component: 1,4l R4 TSI H09 7615
Revision: WAH09---
Coding: 01250032242405082000
Shop #: WSC 00028 028 00072
ASAM Dataset: EV_ECM14TFS01104E906016G 002010
ROD: EV_ECM14TFS01104E906016G.rod
7 Faults Found:
5456 - Starter Will Not Turn
P3054 00 [096] - Jammed or Electrical Malfunction
Intermittent - Not Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
17158 - Databus
U1123 00 [032] - Received Error Message
Intermittent - Not Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
7150 - Implausible Data Received from Steering Angle Sensor Module (G85)
U0428 00 [032] - -
Intermittent - Not Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
10203 - Random/Multiple Cylinder Misfire Detected
P0300 00 [096] - -
Intermittent - Not Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
10591 - Cylinder 1
P0301 00 [096] - Misfire Detected
Intermittent - Not Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
10592 - Cylinder 2
P0302 00 [096] - Misfire Detected
Intermittent - Not Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
4166 - Manifold Pressure / Boost Sensor (G31)
P0238 00 [039] - Signal too High
Not Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
Freeze Frame:
Fault Status: 00000001
Fault Priority: 2
Fault Frequency: 1
Mileage: 34831 km
Date: 2000.00.00
Time: 00:00:00
Engine speed: 0.00 /min
Normed load value: 0.0 %
Vehicle speed: 0 km/h
Coolant temperature: 39 °C
Intake air temperature: 32 °C
Ambient air pressure: 1000 mbar
Voltage terminal 30: 12.368 V
Unlearning counter according OBD: 40
Mass flow through throttle valve: 0.0 kg/h
Median injection timing: 0.000 ms
Engine operating condition: Idling
Engine operating condition-Test_Program_Channel 87: 5
Readiness: 0000 0000
Address 02: Auto Trans (J743) Labels: 0CW-927-769.clb
Part No SW: 0CW 300 047 T HW: 0AM 927 769 K
Component: GSG DQ200-MQB H43 5201
Revision: 00043014 Serial number: CU501407217144
Coding: 0014
Shop #: WSC 00028 028 00067
ASAM Dataset: EV_TCMDQ200021 001001
ROD: EV_TCMDQ200021_VW31.rod
VCID: CCD4281567DAB02F8B-8098
No fault code found.
Address 03: ABS Brakes (J104) Labels: 5Q0-907-379-IPB-V1.clb
Part No SW: 5Q0 907 379 L HW: 5Q0 907 379 G
Component: ESC H31 0471
Revision: 00000000 Serial number: 62174000000383
Coding: 01FA8AA1242111740378060141C62980512488C0608294F300220038C202
Shop #: WSC 00028 028 00079
ASAM Dataset: EV_Brake1UDSContiMK100IPB 033001
ROD: EV_Brake1UDSContiMK100IPB_033_VW37.rod
VCID: C5C21D3144B0416754-8090
1 Fault Found:
16401 - Tire Pressure Warning
C102D 00 [008] - -
Intermittent - Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
Freeze Frame:
Fault Status: 00000001
Fault Priority: 6
Fault Frequency: 1
Reset counter: 83
Mileage: 34492 km
Date: 2020.02.05
Time: 19:21:21
Address 08: Auto HVAC (J255) Labels:| 5G0-907-044.clb
Part No SW: 5G0 907 044 AF HW: 5G0 907 044 AF
Component: Climatronic H03 0907
Revision: 00001K08
Coding: 00120004200100001005000012101800
Shop #: WSC 00028 028 00079
ASAM Dataset: EV_ACClimaBHBVW37X 003018
ROD: EV_ACClimaBHBVW37X_003_VW37.rod
VCID: EB968B8902945717E2-80BE
Fresh Air Blower Front:
Geber für Kältemitteldruck/Kältemitteltemperatur:
Air quality sensor:
No fault code found.
Address 09: Cent. Elect. (J519) Labels:| 5Q0-937-08X-MV1.clb
Part No SW: 5Q0 937 084 AG HW: 5Q0 937 084 AG
Component: BCM MQBAB M H18 0134
Serial number: 01011421001758
Coding: 03001842C24102FB4BE44000000403081000000000000000000000000000
Shop #: WSC 00028 028 00079
ASAM Dataset: EV_BCMCONTI 013000
Control Unit For Wiper Motor:
Subsystem 1 - Part No SW: 5G2 955 119 A HW: 5G2 955 119 A Labels: 5QX-955-119-V1.CLB
Component: WWS 140720 042 0551
Serial number: 140723053115
Coding: 0E4DDD
Rain Light Recognition Sensor:
Subsystem 2 - Part No SW: 5Q0 955 547 A HW: 5Q0 955 547 A Labels: 5Q0-955-547.CLB
Component: RLHS 037 0059
Serial number: S4Y14M08D08H19M05S35
Coding: 00A8DD
No fault code found.
Address 10: Park/Steer Assist (J791) Labels:| 5Q0-919-294.clb
Part No SW: 5Q0 919 294 E HW: 5Q0 919 294 A
Component: PARKHILFE 8K H03 0048
Revision: -------- Serial number: 39331421708016
Coding: 0031151011
Shop #: WSC 00028 028 00067
ASAM Dataset: EV_EPHVA18AU3700000 002024
ROD: EV_EPHVA18AU3700000_002_VW37.rod
VCID: BD3275D12C6009A70C-80E8
No fault code found.
Address 15: Airbags (J234) Labels:| 5Q0-959-655.clb
Part No SW: 5Q0 959 655 D HW: 5Q0 959 655 D
Component: AirbagVW20 014 0385
Serial number: 003F6R0A1G5/
Coding: 98CCC000000000005C00000000C800000065
Shop #: WSC 00028 028 00062
ASAM Dataset: EV_AirbaVW20SMEVW37X 002130
ROD: EV_AirbaVW20SMEVW37X.rod
VCID: C1CA092150986D4768-8094
Side Sensor Driver Front:
Subsystem 1 - Part No SW: ----------- HW: 480 000 708 14
Component: SideSensor_Df 001 0887
Serial number: 35767000000FA695C010
Coding: 2D2D2D
Side Sensor Passenger Front:
Subsystem 2 - Part No SW: ----------- HW: 480 000 708 14
Component: SideSensor_Pf 001 0887
Serial number: 358670000001E0A0701J
Coding: 2D2D2D
Side Sensor Driver Rear:
Subsystem 3 - Part No SW: ----------- HW: 480 400 608 14
Component: SideSensor_Dr 001 6149
Serial number: 35165029F16DB805719L
Coding: 2D2D2D
Side Sensor Passenger Rear:
Subsystem 4 - Part No SW: ----------- HW: 480 401 008 14
Component: SideSensor_Pr 001 6149
Serial number: 3526502AD16DB814E12L
Coding: 2D2D2D
Front Sensor Driver:
Subsystem 5 - Part No SW: ----------- HW: 480 400 508 14
Component: FrontSensor_D 001 6149
Serial number: 3556502C916DB813C06M
Coding: 2D2D2D
No fault code found.
Address 16: Steering wheel (J524) Labels:| 5Q0-953-549.clb
Part No SW: 5Q0 953 521 P HW: 5Q0 953 569 A
Component: Lenks.Modul 075 0175
Revision: FF032032 Serial number: 20140812500481
Coding: 0410
Shop #: WSC 00028 028 00067
1 Fault Found:
617752 - Selector Lever Park Position Lock Switch
B1162 29 [008] - Signal Implausible
Intermittent - Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
Freeze Frame:
Fault Status: 00000001
Fault Priority: 2
Fault Frequency: 2
Reset counter: 64
Mileage: 34673 km
Date: 2020.02.07
Time: 14:26:50
Ubat 30 Voltage: 13.30 V
Ignition State: On
Terminal 15: 12.50 V
A/D #1: 0.00 %
A/D #2: 0.00 %
A/D #3: 0.00 %
Address 17: Instruments (J285) Labels:| 5G0-920-XXX-17.clb-SRI3
Part No SW: 5G1 920 740 HW: 5G1 920 740
Component: KOMBI 204 4270
Coding: 27A419082380000800086A001400000000000000
Shop #: WSC 00028 028 00079
ASAM Dataset: EV_DashBoardVDDMQBAB 009037
ROD: EV_DashBoardVDDMQBAB_009_VW37.rod
VCID: E386E3A9EA441F575A-80B6
4 Faults Found:
16777018 - Function Restricted due to Interrupted Communications
U1110 00 [008] - -
[BAP_Audio_0x31 keine Kommunikation]
Intermittent - Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
Freeze Frame:
Fault Status: 00000001
Fault Priority: 6
Fault Frequency: 100
Reset counter: 80
Mileage: 30663 km
Date: 2019.08.31
Time: 10:22:15
16777020 - Function Restricted due to Interrupted Communications
U1110 00 [008] - -
[BAP_TEL_0x28 keine Kommunikation]
Intermittent - Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
Freeze Frame:
Fault Status: 00000001
Fault Priority: 6
Fault Frequency: 100
Reset counter: 80
Mileage: 30663 km
Date: 2019.08.31
Time: 10:22:15
16777022 - Function Restricted due to Interrupted Communications
U1110 00 [008] - -
[BAP_NAV SD_0x32 keine Kommunikation]
Intermittent - Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
Freeze Frame:
Fault Status: 00000001
Fault Priority: 6
Fault Frequency: 100
Reset counter: 80
Mileage: 30663 km
Date: 2019.08.31
Time: 10:22:15
9456681 - Key
B104C 29 [008] - Implausible Signal
Intermittent - Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
Freeze Frame:
Fault Status: 00000001
Fault Priority: 6
Fault Frequency: 1
Mileage: 26256 km
Date: 2019.03.01
Time: 10:26:25
Address 19: CAN Gateway (J533) Labels:| 5Q0-907-530-V1.clb
Part No SW: 5Q0 907 530 S HW: 5Q0 907 530 L
Component: GW MQB Mid 211 2186
Revision: -------- Serial number: 05081410800864
Coding: 030100342B085700EF0002481C0F00010001050000000000000000000000
Shop #: WSC 00028 028 00079
ASAM Dataset: EV_GatewConti 011017
ROD: EV_GatewConti_011.rod
VCID: C1CA092150986D4768-8094
Multi Function Steering Wheel Control Module:
Subsystem 2 - Part No SW: 5G0 959 442 J HW: 5G0 959 442 J Labels: 3C8-959-537.CLB
Component: E221__MFL-DC1 H16 0038
Serial number: 27140001860320114321
Coding: 28FFFF
Battery Monitoring Control Module:
Subsystem 3 - Part No SW: 5Q0 915 181 E HW: 5Q0 915 181 E
Component: J367-BDMHella H03 8043
Serial number: 3057754003
1 Fault Found:
66052 - Infotainment CAN Bus (SAE Bus E)
U0065 00 [008] - Performance
[Globaler Timeout CAN-Infotainment]
Intermittent - Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
Freeze Frame:
Fault Status: 00000001
Fault Priority: 2
Fault Frequency: 124
Reset counter: 83
Mileage: 30663 km
Date: 2019.08.31
Time: 10:22:13
Supply voltage: Terminal 30: 13.1 V
Terminal 15: On
Address 42: Door Elect, Driver (J386) Labels:| 5QX-959-X93-42.clb
Part No SW: 5Q4 959 593 C HW: 5Q4 959 593 B
Component: TSG FS 009 0015
Serial number: 0000113007043
Coding: 003A03208001020000000000
Shop #: WSC 00028 028 00079
ASAM Dataset: EV_DCUDriveSideEWMAXCONT 006001
VCID: C5C21D3144B0416754-8090
Drivers Door Rear Control Module:
Subsystem 1 - Part No SW: 5Q4 959 812 A HW: 5Q4 959 812 A Labels: 5QX-959-81X-V1.CLB
Component: Fond FHSG DRV 007 0002
Serial number: 00000000000006275926
Coding: 0D0000
No fault code found.
Address 44: Steering Assist (J500) Labels:| 5Q0-909-144.clb
Part No SW: 5Q0 909 144 P HW: 5Q0 909 144 P
Component: EPS_MQB_ZFLS 122 1043
Coding: 0103
Shop #: WSC 00028 028 00067
ASAM Dataset: EV_SteerAssisMQB 010031
ROD: EV_SteerAssisMQB_010.rod
VCID: C1CA092150986D4768-8094
No fault code found.
Address 52: Door Elect, Pass. (J387) Labels:| 5QX-959-X92-52.clb
Part No SW: 5Q4 959 592 C HW: 5Q4 959 592 B
Component: TSG BFS 009 0015
Serial number: 0000112165201
Coding: 003A03208E01020000800000
Shop #: WSC 00028 028 00079
ASAM Dataset: EV_DCUPasseSideEWMAXCONT 006001
VCID: C4C400354F8A786F43-8090
Passengers Rear Door Control Module:
Subsystem 1 - Part No SW: 5Q4 959 811 A HW: 5Q4 959 811 A Labels: 5QX-959-81X-V1.CLB
Component: Fond FHSG PSG 007 0002
Serial number: 00000000000006267950
Coding: 050000
No fault code found.
Address 5F: Information Electr. (J794) Labels:| 5G0-035-MIB-STD1.clb
Part No SW: 5G0 035 846 A HW: 5G0 035 846 A
Component: MU-S-N-ER 041 0430
Serial number: V1F00908141290
Coding: 02730008FF00000011510001000900001F0100960100010245
Shop #: WSC 00028 028 00067
ASAM Dataset: EV_MUStd4CPASE 002039
VCID: A71EB7B9DEFCB37746-80F2
Operating And Display Unit 1:
Subsystem 1 - Part No SW: 5G0 919 605 D HW: 5G0 919 605 D
Component: ABT_Std_Nav H60 0030
Serial number: VWZ8Z9PS402AZN
No fault code found.
End----------(Elapsed Time: 01:28, VBatt start/end: 12.2V/12.2V)-----------
Each time you bring your car to us we are able to evaluate any changes that might have taken place since we saw you last. Should you be interstate touring and need visit a workshop this will be invaluable information to the next high tech workshop you visit.
How Do I Choose A Mechanic For My Car
- Need a new mechanic? Your old mechanic retired? Moved into a new area?
- Search Google to find
- a convenient location to drop your car
- Mechanic near me or Mechanic suburb where you work
- Or band of car near me /other suburb
- Or European car near me or suburb
- Read their Google Reviews and select the one with which you are most comfortable
- By now you should be comfortable with their expertise.
- Now visit their website looking to see that your convenience is a priority for them.
- Do their work hours suite you?
- Do they have options for before opening or after closing hours?
- Are services in and out the same day/
- If you have time constraints like drop off children and pick up from school?
- Are their services fixed price?
- Can they quote their Warranty periods?
When in need of any car servicing or repair work, it is important to ensure that you choose only the best and most qualified mechanic for the job. Given that a majority of Australians rely on their cars to run errands and get to and from work and social engagements, poor servicing or repair work can cause a great deal of inconvenience.
Are they all about your convenience
It is, therefore, crucial that you leave your car in the right hands. Here are some things to consider when choosing a mechanic.
In need of a reputable and trustworthy mechanic? Get in touch with Gil Auto today.
Good Reputation
The internet is a great place to start when looking to find out if a particular business has a good reputation in the community. In this case, visit the mechanic's website and check out customer reviews and testimonials.
Australian demolition expert Samuel Northfield believes that reputation is everything as a business owner. “If your Google reviews aren’t up to scratch, someone having a look at it is not going to consider you at all. You can have all of your friends believe you have the best business but to get as many clients in as possible, you need to come across as knowledgeable and trustworthy, which easily comes across with reviews.”
Also consider checking places like Google where customers leave independent reviews. Customer reviews and testimonials will help give you an insight into what to expect from the company.
Find One Who Specialises In Your Type of Car or you particular issue brakes, steering suspension etc
Keep in mind that cars are built differently, both in terms of mechanical and electrical systems.
For Sacha Davis, who runs an electrical company, the company fleet of cars are all different but they have one mechanic who specialises with all of them. “We’re very fortunate that our mechanic works with the different cars we have, but that’s unlikely to be a common occurrence. Having someone who knows your type of car inside and out ensures that you always get the best service possible.
Thus, it is crucial that you find a mechanic who has experience dealing with your specific brand and model. This is particularly important if you own a luxury car or a 4WD.
Are They Friendly?
You will need to work with a mechanic who is friendly, attentive, and has good communication skills. They need to spare the time to properly explain to you what is wrong with your car as well as address any of your concerns.
Maddy Kucuk, a luxury transportation entrepreneur, notes that being friendly costs nothing and can only provide extra benefits. “While it can be difficult for people to remember good service, they very easily remember when they got bad service or when people went above and beyond. You always want to be in the latter camp as people will always think of you fondly.”
Before making a final hiring decision, speak to protective mechanics and pay close attention to their attitude and how they interact with you. A good mechanic is inquisitive and will work closely with you to find out the exact issues and also determine the root of the problem.
Do They Offer a Guarantee?
Most professional mechanics will provide a guarantee or warranty for their work. By choosing a mechanic who provides some sort of guarantee, you will be covered in case the issue wasn't properly fixed.
When it comes to getting your car fixed, you need to know that your car will be in the safest hands possible. With Gil Auto, you’ll always know that your car will be returned in perfect shape.
Whether it’s a car servicing, a tune up, an inspection or anything in between, Gil Auto guarantees the gold standard of service and quality of work every single time. Get in touch with the team and book in for your next service today.
- My customers appreciate personal service.
- I meet and greet you when you arrive. I personally supervise every single job.
- After the initial inspection I contact you in regard to any issues your car might have.
- We will discuss the issues and options, so there are no nasty surprises at the end of the day.
- I have owned Gil Auto since 1989 and have third generation family members as customers.
- The NRMA recognises our technical expertise and mechanical competence.
- We keep car your log book up to date.
- More engines have been destroyed by oil filters than any other filter on the car
- Due to fuel combustion contaminants are deposited in the engine oil.
- As a result the oil Is thicker and does not flow as easily through the narrow channels leading from the sump to the pistons and bearings.
- In addition oil is consumed during the normal operation of the engine. This means that there is less oil in the sump for circulation through the engine.
- The function of the oil filter is as the name suggests, to trap the burnt carbon particles in the oil and not allow them the to return to the parts in the engine that require constant lubrication.
- As more and more contaminants are trapped the flow of oil flow through the oil filter is impeded.
- The compound effect of the thickened oil due to burn off and contaminant pickup eventually blocks the filter medium completely.
- The filter housing has a release valve which opens and sends the unfiltered oil back into the engine and this is the beginning of the end for your engine.
Initial starting we check for abnormal noises
Ease of starting checking for sluggish starter motor
Check idle speed whether correct too Fast or too Slow
Engine sound in park listen for Abnormal Noises
Engine sound in gear listen for Abnormal Noises
Brake Pedal operation test pressure and travel…
Light braking efficiency and brake noise and vibration
Firm braking efficiency and brake noise and Vibration
Park brake length of travel tension and hold
Clutch pedal operation checking pressure and travel
Accelerator pedal feel travel and response
Steering operation checking alignment, ease of steering and responsiveness
Gear lever operation checking for excessive play
Dash warning lights
0293898224 0414308199
Engine Oil. We replace with manufacturers specified grade
Engine Filter. We replace every time oil is changed
Transmission Oil. Condition if OK Topped Up
Transmission Gasket is checked for leaks
Differential Oil. Condition if OK Topped Up
Transfer Case Oil. The condition is checked and if OK topped up
Power Steering Oil, Check Condition, If OK Top Up
Brake Fluid tested if it fails the moisture test we advise that it should be changed
Master Brake Cylinder. Is checked for leaks
Clutch Master Cylinder. Where applicable is checked
Radiator Coolant . Glycol level tested. If not OK Top Up
The washer fluid is filled with Algae Inhibitor and water mix
0293898224 0414308199
Alternator Belt
Air conditioning Belt
Power Steering Belt
Serpentine Belt
We check the tyre pressure, depth of the tread and condition of the casing.
Spare Tyre also checked if accessible
0293898224 0414308199
Battery Load and Meter Test
Battery Terminals are cleaned and tightened and coated with corrosion inhibitor
0293898224 0414308199
The washer fluid is filled with Algae Inhibitor and water mix
Wash aim
The wiper blades condition are checked front and back
Check travel and continuous contact with glass
The indicator stalk is checked to confirm washer operation
0293898224 0414308199
Dashboard warning symbols investigated
Service light reset
Remote key operation working change battery if needed
Brake accelerator and clutch rubber surfaces confirm with RMS specifications
Park brake hand or foot operated checked for travel, release and hill hold
The lights switches we confirm correct operation
Front head lights, are working and their direction aim is correct
Front Low Beams lights, are working and their direction aim is correct
All indicator flashers are working correctly
Rear lights are checked working correctly
Interior cabin light is checked for correct operation
Horn operated as test that is working loud and clear
0293898224 0414308199
Door Hinges
Door Catches
Door Runners
Bonnet Hinges
Bonnet Catch
Lubricate Boot Hinges
0293898224 0414308199
The CV Boots to ensure they are intact with no grease leakage
Sump washer these are replaced each oil change to ensure that there are no oil leaks
The following items are all checked for oil leaks engine, transmission and drive train
Entire steering system
Entire braking system rotors pads calipers, fixed and flexible pipes.
Park brake adjusted as required
The suspension front and rear shock absorbers for leaks and efficiency
The bottom end of the cooling system
The wheel bearings to ensure for free play is with in specifications
Engine and transmission mounts for leaks and cracks
Check for rust,
Sway bars front and rear Check for Cracks & Witness Marks
Springs rear and front,
Ball Joints cCheck, free play & Dust Boots
Strut Tower Bushes, Check for Cracks & Witness Marks
Bump Stops and Boots, Check if Cracked or Broken
Rack Boots, Check if Leaking and or Broken
0293898224 0414308199
Yes while the car is up on the hoist we check for rust. Should we feel that it would benefit from a a very successful treatment that we use, we will send you images and call you and discuss your options
0293898224 0414308199
The coolant level and chemical concentration are and topped up as required
All the radiator hoses are checked for flexibility, wear and leaks and clamps tightened if required
Radiator is checked for leaks, cooling fins and general tank condition examined
The condition of the radiator cap and seals are inspected
The vacuum hoses and all other hoses are check for flexibility and wear and clamps tightened as required
Thermostat check gasket for leaks and temperature test if car overheating heating
Brake fluid level and moisture content if reading is too high we recommend a brake replacement.
Master Cylinder is inspected for leaks and operation tested
Pollen Filter
0293898224 0414308199
Watsons Bay, Rose Bay, Bondi Beach, Vaucluse , Dover Heights , North Bondi to Bondi Junction
Head up Old South Head Road towards Bondi Junction.
At Edgecliff Road turn right, proceed down until Reddam School on your left and Holy Cross on your right.
We are the Yellow building on your right. Phone to book in 0293898224 or 0414308199
Double Bay, Darling Point , Point Piper , Bellevue Hill , Woollahra to Bondi Junction
Head up Bathurst Street, Turn left at the round-about, through three sets of traffic lights.
We are the Yellow building on your left. Phone to book in 0293898224 0414308199
Randwick, Coogee, Clovelly ,Waverley , Queens Park to Bondi Junction
Head up Newland Street through Bondi Junction pass under the express way until you meet with Edgecliff Road round-about.
Turn right, proceed through two round-abouts and three sets of traffic lights.
We are the Yellow building on your Left. Phone to book in 0293898224 0414308199
Paddington , Kings Cross ,Darling Point Rushcutters Bay , Elizabeth Bay to Bondi Junction
With the city behind you proceed along Oxford Rd. until you reach the mall in Bondi Junction. Turn left into Grosvenor Rd. At the second traffic light turn right into Edgecliff Street.
Pass through two traffic lights,
We are the yellow building in your left . Phone to book in 0293898224 0414308199
- - Clovelly
- - Coogee
- - Elizabeth Bay
- - Darling Point
- - Dover Heights
- - Kings Cross
- - North Bondi
- - Paddington
- - Point Piper
- - Queens Park
- - Randwick
- - Rushcutters Bay
- - Tamarama
- - Vaucluse
- - Watson's Bay
- - Waverley
- - Woollahra